Analyzing Analytics – Understand What Is Happening on Your Insurance Website

November 10, 2014 . 3 minute read | Posted by AgentMethods insurance-agent-websitesanalytics

Here is the problem with not using analytics to analyze who is visiting your insurance website...

Your advertising budget is like a large ocean going vessel, laden with valuable cargo, with a first class Captain, a wonderful crew, and every modern convenience assuring fast delivery in a timely manner. But, the ship has no Navigational Charts.

Your powerful engines throb and hum, churning the ocean into foam – and the Navigator can take you to any spot on Earth, but you have no idea where the good spots are. How do you set course?

The Charts

Analytics tell you where people go on your website. They tell you how long a visitor used some feature; if they watched a video; if they sought additional information; if they requested a quotation; if they dropped out of a form filling session and left the site; or if they made a purchase.

Breaking it Down

Let’s look at what this information may tell us. It seems that nearly everybody that comes to the site watches your entire video, except repeat visitors. People seem interested in what you have to show them. This might be an area where you want to expand because it is successful. More videos may equate to more visitors.

Once they watch the video they tend to fall into three groups: 15% leave the site; 70% read the article about the video, and the remainder click links elsewhere on the site. Of those that read more, 15% leave the site, 50% go elsewhere on the site, and 35% seek a quotation.

Of those that read the catalog, half left the site, and the other half requested a quotation. And of all those that requested a quote, 60% dropped out of the request when they saw all of the questions you ask of them.

When you do the math, based on 100 visitors, only 21 completed a quote form. Good numbers (a little on the high side for our purposes) but losing that 60% (31 visitors) because of the long quote form may be worthy of consideration.

What Else?

Analytics also tell you where people come from before they arrive at your site. This may show useful areas to invest media dollars to increase your traffic. It can tell you which browser platform they use, or on what sorts of devices they are browsing. This can help you tune your site to make it friendlier for people with tablets and smartphones. The world is changing; so must we!


To paraphrase Peter Drucker, if you’re not measuring it, you can’t manage it. Selling online is either well executed, planned and successful, or blind, stupid luck. If you’re relying on the latter, your sales could vanish as quickly as they spawned, and you’ll never know why.

Don’t you think you should measure your success while you still have it? Maybe you can make it grow into more success. That would be so much more fulfilling than stumbling blindly around in the dark and hoping for the best!