Want insurance leads from Social Networks? Here’s how to get them

April 14, 2016 . 3 minute read | Posted by Aaron social-networksleads
The big social networks are an absolute gold mine of prospects for the modern insurance agent. No matter what market you focus on, they are active on Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter. And, they are waiting for a reason to come to your site, give you their information, and talk to you about insurance. You just have to know how to get them to act. Before I show you the solution, let’s take a closer look at the problem.

Advertising on Social Networks are Different from Search Engines

People go to search engines when they are accomplishing a specific task. They want to learn something, buy something, accomplish something, or find something. Because search engine traffic is so task focused, a very direct approach works best. If you look at insurance ads on search engine advertising, you’ll find calls to action such as “Get a Quote”, “Talk to a Live Agent”, or even “Apply Now”.

These calls to action that work so well on search engines fail miserably on social networks. Why? Because people take an active and directed approach to web browsing on search engines, but they take a passive approach on social media. Instead of looking to act, they are looking to react. Think about it. People want to react to cute baby pictures, funny videos, and even controversial articles. Interrupting them to try to make a sales pitch isn’t going to work.

Give people what they want

There is a way for insurance agents to capture their prospects’ attention on social networks. Now that you understand how advertising on social networks is different from search, it’s going to seem really simple: Rather than ask your prospects to take action, give them something to react to.

Take a step back in the purchase process – ask yourself why do people need the insurance you sell, and how can you give them new insight into that need. This generally comes in the form of a step-by-step guide, checklist, or video. For example, if you sell life insurance and want to target new parents, you could offer them “The New Parent’s Financial Review Checklist”. Sell long term care? Offer the guide “How to have conversations with your parents about their long term care”.

There’s no need to create these from scratch – talk with your carriers about what guides they have available and pick one. Then, create a landing page on your website where people can make a trade – they get the guide in exchange for their contact info. Share the landing page on your social networks, and then boost your reach by promoting your share out via the network’s pay-per-click service.

AgentMethods customers: we’d be happy to help you set up your landing pages. Give us a call, shoot us an email, or reach out to us via chat on our website.