Optimize your Social Media Profiles for SEO

October 11, 2011 . 1 minute read | Posted by akassover seosocial-media

Like it or not, your prospects are typing your name into search engines before and after you meet with them. They’re doing their due diligence – checking up on you, making sure you are legit and can be trusted, and don’t have a bad reputation.

This is a great opportunity for you to reinforce your message, the value you bring, and build trust with your prospects.  Make sure you are proactive about managing your online reputation. Even if you aren’t actively using social networks like LinkedIn or Facebook, make sure you and your agencies have a presence there so your prospects can easily find you. Over time, you can gradually enhance your presence.

Once you have your profiles up, there are some simple things you can do to maximize their benefit. With very little work, you can control the title tag, meta description, and header tags of most profiles. Some even offer “dofollow” links back to your site with anchor text you control. To learn more about making the most of your social media profiles, take a look at this great article “How to Optimize 7 Popular Social Media Profiles for SEO.