Using your website to close phone sales – A picture or chart is worth a 1000 words

November 12, 2010 . 2 minute read | Posted by akassover insurancesales

We’ve all heard the expression that a picture is worth a 1000 words. That is especially true when explaining insurance, comparing different plans or updates to existing plans.

Recently, one of our agents took that expression to heart and added a chart showing the upcoming changes to Medicare on his homepage. Now, when he talks to his customers or prospects on the phone, he simply asks them to go to the homepage of his website and walks them through the changes they need to consider as they evaluate their coverage options. Not only is this agent providing a helpful chart but he also turned his website into a valuable information resource.

Keep in mind that your website is an excellent “go-to” source for customers, prospects and those that find you online.  And, sometimes having the right chart or visual  is all that is necessary to get a phone call from a customer or prospect wanting additional information about coverage options and new plans.

Next time your updating your website think about a chart or visual that would be a great benefit to your site visitors.  Talk to the carriers that you’re representing and see if they have something that would work on your website.  Then, after you upload this new picture, call your customers and prospects and offer to walk them through the information.  Who knows where this might lead!