Our Blog

The Blog Of AgentMethods, Covering Insurance Agent Websites, Web Design, And Insurance Marketing

3 Great Tools for Extending Your Insurance Website

November 10th, 2010 Posted by akassover in tools

We talk with insurance agents like you everyday about ways to improve their website. There are three tools that keep coming up in conversation so I thought I would share them here. Best of all – each of these companies offers a great free service as well... Read More

Why does your agency exist?

October 29th, 2010 Posted by akassover in business

Today, a friend directed me to a great blog post by Simon Sinek asking “Why does your company exist?“. In the post, Simon compares Sprint’s CEO Dan Hess, who appeared in commercials this year to... Read More

Screen Sharing Made Easy (and Free!)

October 25th, 2010 Posted by akassover in tools

Sometimes you just have to show your prospect their options. When you need to show a prospect a presentation, a quote, or application, screen sharing helps bridge the gap between face-to-face and remote sales. But until now, there’s always been a trade off – some options a free and buggy, and... Read More
At AgentMethods we work with independent agents, brokers and agencies to help them with their online presence through our insurance website builder.  And, although agents are working within our system, there is so much they can do to personalize their... Read More

Your Web Site Is Never Done

August 4th, 2010 Posted by akassover in insurance-agent-websitespress

Consider this: Just five years ago, Facebook was a small start-up limited to college students and YouTube was still a year away from launching. The Web is constantly changing. And, with these changes, the way your clients and prospects use the Web continues to evolve. The Read More
A few weeks ago, Steve Anderson posted “A Balanced Approach to Agency Marketing” on his blog. If you haven’t read this already, you should. Steve’s a smart guy and he... Read More
Want to know more about who’s coming to your website and what they want to find there? Now’s the time to find out! We’ve recently written about this exact topic at Life Insurance Selling magazine. Let us introduce you to Read More
“I’ve had a terrible day. I did something really stupid this morning…” That’s how the phone call from my dad began yesterday. It turns out during his morning email review, he received what he thought was a message from his bank asking him to update his... Read More
Our own Aaron Kassover has been featured in the recent Life Insurance Selling magazine, where he gives three quick tips... Read More

Bringing value to the table

March 30th, 2010 Posted by akassover in insurance-agent-websitessalestrends

A recent post on Copyblogger titled  The Difference Between Salad and Garbage zeros in on the value an insurance agent can bring when... Read More
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